New study ranks Edinburgh 3rd most popular city in world for vegans

Barrie Henderson taste-testing the Avacado Pasta Salad. Pic: Ian GeorgesonBarrie Henderson taste-testing the Avacado Pasta Salad. Pic: Ian Georgeson
Barrie Henderson taste-testing the Avacado Pasta Salad. Pic: Ian Georgeson
In the month when resolutions reverberate and health is heralded as the prime focus of the new year, a wave of have-a-go vegans try to clean up their diet for veganuary.

In a trend that is sweeping the globe, veganism – the practice of cutting animal products from daily life – is now more than a niche philosophy but completely chic.

And Edinburgh has now topped the international league in a study revealing it the third most popular city in the world for vegans.

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The study