Grain growers told to show commitment to technology

Growers of oilseed rape were urged to get involved. Picture: ContributedGrowers of oilseed rape were urged to get involved. Picture: Contributed
Growers of oilseed rape were urged to get involved. Picture: Contributed
A call has been made for Scottish grain growers to show they are serious about being a forward-looking industry, and that they are willing to commit to new technology and communication channels which offer real benefits to their businesses.

Andrew Moir, Chairman of Scottish Quality Crops (SQC), the country’s main assurance scheme for arable crops, this week urged grain and oilseed growers to give their backing to plans to set up an electronic passport system which would replace the current paper ones used when crops leave the farm.

Moir, who is also a board member of the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) said that an 18-month pilot project had underlined a number of benefits available from such a change.

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