Discover the Brazilian billionaires’ hideaway with a surprising wealth of riches - Scotland on Sunday Travel

Old buildings in the town of Paraty, gateway to the Atlantic Forest, eastern Brazil. Pic: PA Photo/Alamy.Old buildings in the town of Paraty, gateway to the Atlantic Forest, eastern Brazil. Pic: PA Photo/Alamy.
Old buildings in the town of Paraty, gateway to the Atlantic Forest, eastern Brazil. Pic: PA Photo/Alamy.
Built by gold, Paraty is a gateway to the Atlantic Forest – one of the South American country’s greatest assets

Seeking shelter from a tropical rain shower, I hunker – unsuccessfully – beneath a sprawling jucara palm. Although it provides refuge for up to 62 species, today its feather-thin fronds do little to shield me from the heavy drops.

But the native Brazilian tree champions in many other ways, biologist and guide Samiris Freire assures me on a walk through an agroforest in southwest Brazil. Unlike single stem palms, its edible inner core can be harvested multiple times, while its purple fruits are packed with more antioxidants than superfood acai.

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