Alex Massie: Money matters in referendum battle

The welfare debate has been a key issue in the referendum campaign. Picture: TSPLThe welfare debate has been a key issue in the referendum campaign. Picture: TSPL
The welfare debate has been a key issue in the referendum campaign. Picture: TSPL
WHILE their views on what’s best for Scots’ personal finances differ wildly, it’s clear both side of the debate agree on the issue’s importance

For a small country, Scotland contains multitudes. It is only a short distance by road from the splendour of Glasgow’s west end or the genteel luxury of its wealthy suburbs to impoverished housing estates still scarred by the consequences of post-industrial decline. The low road and the high road take you to very different Scotlands that are defined as much by their differences as by anything they have in common. Neither Scotland can be ignored in this referendum campaign; neither is large enough on its own to deliver victory to either campaign.

Despite this, it is generally agreed that votes cast in the former industrial heartlands of Glasgow City, Renfrewshire and Lanarkshire will have a disproportionate influence upon the eventual outcome. Labour voters in Castlemilk or Hamilton; Easterhouse or Gourock are considered the most important potential “swing” constituency upon which the result will hinge.

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