Fiona McCade: Gwyneth & Chris don’t have to explain

Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow before their conscious uncoupling. Picture: APChris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow before their conscious uncoupling. Picture: AP
Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow before their conscious uncoupling. Picture: AP
There’s no need for clever concepts – the Martin-Paltrows just don’t love each other any more, writes Fiona McCade

Have you ever heard of handfasting? It’s a kind of pagan marriage. Some friends of mine did it at the stone circle of Callanish. It was great; loads of flowers and music and beer, and they promised to stay with each other “for as long as our love shall last”. Not, you notice, for life, or forever, or until a week next Tuesday. Just for as long as they were in love. And before you ask, yes, it’s over now. They were in love at the time, but now they’re not and so they aren’t together any more.

Neither are Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow. Chris and Gwyneth were married (in an “until death do us part” kind of ceremony) in 2003, but now they’ve had enough and are going their separate ways. The likes of you or I might call this “splitting up” or “getting divorced”, but that’s not Chris and Gwyneth’s style. In the public statement they issued on Gwyneth’s website, they have called it “conscious uncoupling”.

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