Margo MacDonald: We will protest without rioting

If a week’s a long time in politics, then Holyrood’s recess represents infinity. Two months ago, there was a muted ding-dong between financial commentators who hope the Chancellor has got his recovery plan right, and those who are sceptical at the wishful thinking presented as economic analysis by Labour’s Ed Balls, and sometimes, by even the SNP’s John Swinney.

But now the background noise of politicians disagreeing is all but drowned out by the thundering hooves of the Apocalypse horses bearing down on our society. Exaggerated hysteria? Maybe I’ve been listening to too many decent blokes who haven’t a clue about how to deal with the anti-social behaviour, thuggery, greed and contempt for the rights of fellow citizens, not forgetting neglected, badly brought up children who rioted in some English cities.

Note, only some. The absence of such a breakdown of order, and decency, in Newcastle and the Yorkshire cities might be explained by their being more cohesive and more aware of being part of a community. The Scots and Welsh did not riot, along with the practised troublemakers from Northern Ireland, although many share the same grievances and fears as poorer, marginalised people living in England.

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