Calls for MSPs to open up Scottish decisions to local communities

One of the proposals set out in the report is the creation of a House of Citizens scrutinising legislationOne of the proposals set out in the report is the creation of a House of Citizens scrutinising legislation
One of the proposals set out in the report is the creation of a House of Citizens scrutinising legislation
MSPs should take forward calls to revamp Scottish democracy by opening up decisions to local communities, according to a coalition of community and civil society groups.

The Citizens Assembly Report, which recommends the creation of new local assemblies, and a House of Citizens scrutinising parliamentary legislation, is due to be debated at Holyrood today.

Led by the Electoral Reform Society Scotland, a group of other campaigners including the Scottish Community Alliance and What Works Scotland, have written an open letter to MSPs urging them to follow the recommendations in the report.

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The report issues 60 recommendations backed backed by the assembly – an organisation set up in 2019 of a group of people selected at random from a cross section of the population.