Fund to assist poorer Scots students with university halted

Funding established to help poorer students get into university has been halted. Picture: Ian GeorgesonFunding established to help poorer students get into university has been halted. Picture: Ian Georgeson
Funding established to help poorer students get into university has been halted. Picture: Ian Georgeson
Funding for a flagship scheme to help poorer students to university is to be halted as a result of Scottish Government cuts, it emerged yesterday.

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the national body responsible for financing university learning, has revealed it will cease providing cash for “additional funded places” for the forthcoming financial year.

Launched in 2013/14, the initiative is estimated to have funded 1,798 places this year and was supposed to expand next year so that more youngsters from deprived areas would benefit from a university education.

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