How Kezia Dugdale's resignation could shake up Labour NEC

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his former Scottish counterpart Kezia DugdaleLabour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his former Scottish counterpart Kezia Dugdale
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his former Scottish counterpart Kezia Dugdale
Kezia Dugdale's shock resignation last night has all manner of implications for the MSP herself, her closest colleagues, her political rivals, and the wider Scottish party.

However, the aftershocks of Ms Dugdales abrupt, if understandable, departure, could set off a chain of events that could tighten Jeremy Corbyn’s grip on power.

Ms Dugdale’s departure, which is with immediate effect, meaning there is no transition period (something that has more centrist members of Scottish Labour a little miffed) for a handover to take place.

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Labour’s ruling National Executive Committee now has a vacancy, as Ms Dugdale had taken the space reserved for a member of Scotland’s opposition.

Here’s how that move could lead to big changes for Jeremy Corbyn’s party.

What is the NEC?

Labour’s NEC is the party’s ruling body – it decides not only rules for internal elections, but all manner of points of strategy.

The NEC has been in the news before after making a number of divisive rulings during both of the most recent leadership elections, which Jeremy Corbyn won handily.

The party leadership is represented, as are councillors, parliamentarians, and the powerful Trade Unions who exert huge influence on the committee.