How state of NHS is key in debate over Scottish independence – leader comment

The then First Minister of Scotland, Labour's Jack McConnell, pictured in 2006  (Picture: Ian Rutherford)The then First Minister of Scotland, Labour's Jack McConnell, pictured in 2006  (Picture: Ian Rutherford)
The then First Minister of Scotland, Labour's Jack McConnell, pictured in 2006 (Picture: Ian Rutherford)
The state of public services could be crucial in determining the outcome of the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections – and the SNP’s chances of holding another independence referendum.

The general election dust may have barely settled, but already the battlelines for Holyrood 2021 are being drawn. And there is an obvious reason for this early preparation – it could turn out to be one of the most important elections in Scottish history.

Assuming the current Scottish Government is unable to hold a second independence referendum before next year, the next Scottish Parliament election could be decisive. In the event of a Nationalist majority, calls for indyref2 will rise and Boris Johnson may struggle politically to stick to his stated position of refusing to allow one.

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He may even decide it is in the interests of the Union to hold a vote if the political runes suggest another ‘No’, a result that would be devastating for the independence cause and could knock the stuffing out of some supporters.