SNP MSP speaks out about Scottish Government’s ‘resistance’ to assisted suicide

SNP MSP George Adam has urged the Scottish Government to discuss the issue of assisted dying. Picture: Lynne Cameron/PA WireSNP MSP George Adam has urged the Scottish Government to discuss the issue of assisted dying. Picture: Lynne Cameron/PA Wire
SNP MSP George Adam has urged the Scottish Government to discuss the issue of assisted dying. Picture: Lynne Cameron/PA Wire
An SNP MSP has spoken out about the Scottish Government’s “resistance” to looking at the issue of assisted suicide.

Paisley MSP George Adam said while the majority of the public supported moves to enable assisted dying, most politicians were opposed to this.

“There is a bit of resistance from the Scottish Government itself,” he said.

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Mr Adam told a fringe event at the SNP conference in Edinburgh about his wife Stacey’s “passionate” support for assisted dying.

She suffers from multiple sclerosis, with the MSP saying: “Stacey could end up in the position where her life, her quality of life, is such that she will probably want to end it at one point.

“I don’t know if that position ever came I would have the strength to let her go. But at the end of the day it is what she wants, what she believes in.”