Chinese nuclear investment ‘threat’ to UK security

An artists' impression of the next generation of UK nuclear power stations. Picture: PAAn artists' impression of the next generation of UK nuclear power stations. Picture: PA
An artists' impression of the next generation of UK nuclear power stations. Picture: PA
CHINESE investment in the UK’s nuclear power industry could pose a threat to the UK’s national security, experts have warned ahead of a state visit by the Asian superpower’s leader.

The UK is rolling out the red carpet for president Xi Jinping, who will stay as the Queen’s guest at Buckingham Palace next week.

Mr Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan will spend three days in London where the Chinese leader will hold talks with Prime Minister David Cameron at Downing Street before joining him for dinner at Chequers.

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A fourth and final day will be spent carrying out engagements in Manchester.

In a sign of the growing trade and investment links between the UK and Beijing, an announcement on Chinese backing for the new nuclear power station being built by EDF at Hinkley Point, Somerset, could be made during Mr Xi’s visit.

Chancellor George Osborne has already offered a £2 billion Government guarantee to help secure funding for the Hinkley Point C plant and indicated that the next step may be a Chinese-designed, Chinese-built nuclear plant at Bradwell in Essex.

But The Times reported senior military and intelligence figures have warned ministers that plans to allow China to take a stake in sensitive national infrastructure could pose a security risk.