Derek Mackay: Married SNP activist allegedly bombarded with 'creepy' messages for years by ex Finance Secretary

A married SNP acitivist was bombarded with messages for nearly four years from Derek Mackay, it has been reported.

Shaun Cameron, 25, received dozens of texts from the disgraced former Finance Minister inlcuding one allegedly asking "got any naughty pics", the Daily Record reports.The nationalist campaigner told the daily newspaper how Mackay, 42, had tracked him down via Facebook before sending him a string of messages trying to arrange for the two to meet.Mr Cameron said he found it difficult to reject Mackay outright given his own political aspirations and the politicians high profile in the SNP.

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Police call for information on Derek Mackay allegations

Mr Cameron claims he met Mackay at a fundraiser in 2016.

Disgraced former finance secretary Derek Mackay. Picture: JPIMediaDisgraced former finance secretary Derek Mackay. Picture: JPIMedia
Disgraced former finance secretary Derek Mackay. Picture: JPIMedia

He told the Record: “It was a fundraiser to help get (South Scotland SNP MSP) Joan McAlpine re-elected. There were 100 to 150 people there. Alex Salmond delivered a speech and Joan was there along with Derek Mackay, who also gave a speech.

“I was 21. I would say Derek Mackay made a beeline for me.

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“I was with my then partner and introduced her so he knew whant the situation was. He was asking general things, such as, ‘What brings you here tonight?"

Disgraced former finance secretary Derek Mackay. Picture: JPIMediaDisgraced former finance secretary Derek Mackay. Picture: JPIMedia
Disgraced former finance secretary Derek Mackay. Picture: JPIMedia

'It's quite creepy'

After the event it is claimed Mackay tracked down the acitvist on social media and bombarded him with messages even after being told by Mr Cameron that he was not gay.Mr Cameron added: "You would think the messages would stop after being ignored two or three times but I have pages and pages of him messaging me and getting no response. It’s quite creepy.”

Transcripts of the conversations have been published online this morning.

Mackay quits

Yesterday, Mackay was suspended from the SNP following reports he sent hundreds of messages to a 16-year-old boy.

Nicola Sturgeon faced calls to investigate his "predatory" behaviour after Mr Mackay stepped down from his Cabinet post on Thursday.

Ms Sturgeon said his conduct "falls seriously below the standard required of a minister" and he had been suspended from both the party and the SNP parliamentary group at Holyrood "pending further investigation".

The father-of-two, who came out as gay in 2013, quit as finance secretary after The Scottish Sun reported he sent 270 messages to a boy he befriended on Facebook and Instagram.

News of his resignation came hours before he was due to deliver the budget for the coming year - with Public Finance Minister Kate Forbes now stepping in to make the tax and spending announcements.

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