As Celtic toil, Strachan's reign eerily similar to Advocaat years at Ibrox

OF THE numerous worrying aspects of Celtic's current dishevelment, the most disturbing for the club's supporters may be the parallel to be drawn between Gordon Strachan's work this season and that of Dick Advocaat at Rangers seven years ago.

At the Scottish Football Writers Association's annual Player of the Year dinner in May 2000, the pugnacious Dutchman received the Manager of the Year award and ended his acceptance speech with a remark so jolting that some members of the audience had to ask their fellow guests if they had heard him correctly.

"Thank you, see you next year!" was Advocaat's chirpy sign-off, an obvious indicator of his expectation of retaining the title on the back of another season of domination. Rangers at that moment were in possession of the SPL championship and the Scottish Cup, having won the former by 21 points and thrashed Aberdeen 4-0 in the final of the latter.

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