Newco Rangers must answer oldco charges, insists commission chief

THE SCOTTISH Premier League has amassed a “stack of evidence” concerning Rangers’ use of Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) and alleged dual contracts which is to be investigated by the Independent Commission chaired by the retired judge Lord William Nimmo Smith.

Sources at the SPL claim that various routes had been used – including a reluctant Rangers FC itself – to obtain documents relating to the incomes of various players at Ibrox, via EBTs, in the years between 2000 and 2011. The three-man commission, which comprises Lord Nimmo Smith, Nicholas Smith QC and Charles Flint QC, will sit for four days from 13 November to determine Rangers’ guilt or innocence in regard to payments or undisclosed loans to players.

The SPL has warned Rangers, who have said they will not acknowledge the commission, that such a stance could be potentially self-harming should the commission’s verdict go against the Ibrox club and it chooses to appeal.

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